1. CPMD Input File
  2. Gaussian Cube file
  3. Lammps Dump
  4. json
  5. Lammps Data File
  6. ORCA Input File
  8. PWScf Input File
  9. PWScf Output File
  10. XCrysDen Structure File
  11. xyz

Vipster supports various different formats describing atomic structures. It is written with no specific format in mind.

Whenever a format provides or requires additional data that is not tied to the atomic structure, this is encapsulated in a Parameter set. For example, the control blocks configuring a quantum chemical simulation can be read from a file, saved and then later be reused for setting up a series of other calculations with other molecules, but the same calculation settings.

If a file format supports multiple ways to print the atomic structure, this can be controlled with an (output) preset. These can e.g. be used to select between printing the structure in Ångström with charges or in Bohr units with the list of bonds.

The following plugins are included in a default installation:

CPMD Input File (read/write)

Command line argument: --cpi
Matches files named: *.cpi


  • &ATOMS: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents. Vipster automatically fills in supported information: Atomic positions, ISOTOPE and pseudo-potential information and 'FIX ATOMS' or 'FIX COORDINATES' constraints.

  • &CLASSIC: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &CPMD: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &DFT: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &EXTE: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &HARDNESS: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &INFO: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &LINRES: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &PATH: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &PIMD: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &PROP: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &PTDDFT: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &QMMM: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &RESP: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &SYSTEM: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents. Vipster automatically fills in supported information: CELL VECTORS, KPOINTS and ANGSTROM/SCALE keywords according to I/O preset.

  • &TDDFT: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • &VDW: [str]

    Raw-text section that will be written to input file. See CPMD documentation for valid contents.

  • PPNonlocality: str

    The default non-locality for pseudo-potentials. Will be printed as-is if the periodic table entry for the current type does not contain an explicit non-locality string.

  • PPPrefix: str

    The default prefix for pseudo-potentials. Will be prepended to the type name if the periodic table entry for this type does not contain an explicit pseudo-potential name.

  • PPSuffix: str

    The default suffix for pseudo-potentials. Will be appended to the type name if the periodic table entry for this type does not contain an explicit pseudo-potential name.

Output preset

  • fmt: {'Crystal', 'Alat', 'Angstrom', 'Bohr', 'Active'}

    Active: Use the current Step's active atom format Else: Enforce the selected atom format

Gaussian Cube file (read only)

Command line argument: --cube
Matches files named: *.cube

Lammps Dump (read only)

Command line argument: --dmp
Matches files named: *.lammpstrj

json (read/write)

Command line argument: --json
Matches files named: *.json

Output preset

  • bonds: bool

    Export bonds

  • cell: bool

    Write with cell

  • elements: {'none', 'custom', 'used', 'all'}

    Store atom types Custom: save only types not in the global table Used: save all types that are used by any atom All: save all types in the molecules' own table

  • fmt: {'active', 'crystal', 'alat', 'angstrom', 'bohr'}

    Active: use the current Step's active atom format Else: enforce the selected format

  • indent: bool

    Pretty-print output so not everything is on one line

  • trajectory: bool

    Write complete trajectory instead of single step

Lammps Data File (read/write)

Command line argument: --lmp
Matches files named: *.lmp


  • Angle Coeff: {str: str}

    If the IOPreset enables both angle and parameter printing, parameters will be looked up according to the angle type. Missing types will use the fallback (if present) or cause an error.

  • Angle Coeff Fallback: str

    If this value is present, it will be used if a angle type can not be found in the Angle Coeff map. If it is absent, missing angle types are an error.

  • Bond Coeff: {str: str}

    If the IOPreset enables both bond and parameter printing, parameters will be looked up according to the bond type. Missing types will use the fallback (if present) or cause an error.

  • Bond Coeff Fallback: str

    If this value is present, it will be used if a bond type can not be found in the Bond Coeff map. If it is absent, missing bond types are an error.

  • Dihedral Coeff: {str: str}

    If the IOPreset enables both dihedral and parameter printing, parameters will be looked up according to the dihedral type. Missing types will use the fallback (if present) or cause an error.

  • Dihedral Coeff Fallback: str

    If this value is present, it will be used if a dihedral type can not be found in the Dihedral Coeff map. If it is absent, missing dihedral types are an error.

  • Improper Coeff: {str: str}

    If the IOPreset enables both improper and parameter printing, parameters will be looked up according to the improper type. Missing types will use the fallback (if present) or cause an error.

  • Improper Coeff Fallback: str

    If this value is present, it will be used if a improper type can not be found in the Improper Coeff map. If it is absent, missing improper types are an error.

  • Pair Coeff: {str: str}

    If the IOPreset enables parameter printing, pair coefficients are looked up according the atom type. Missing types will cause an error.

Output preset

  • angles: bool

    Toggle printing angles (extrapolated from bond network)

  • bonds: bool

    Toggle printing bonds (taken directly from Step)

  • coeff: bool

    Toggle printing parameters from parameter set

  • dihedrals: bool

    Toggle printing dihedrals (extrapolated from bond network)

  • impropers: bool

    Toggle printing impropers (extrapolated from bond network)

  • style: {'angle', 'atomic', 'bond', 'charge', 'full', 'molecular'}

    The atom_style to be used by Lammps. See https://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/atom_style.html for details.

ORCA Input File (read/write)

Command line argument: --orca
Matches files named: *.inp


  • header: [str]

    Raw text header to be printed above coordinates. See ORCA documentation for details.

VASP POSCAR (read/write)

Command line argument: --pos
Matches files named: POSCAR

Output preset

  • cartesian: bool

    Toggle between cartesian (Å) and direct (crystal) coordinates.

  • selective: bool

    Toggles selective dynamics. If 'true', atom-coordinates can be kept fixed during simulation.

PWScf Input File (read/write)

Command line argument: --pwi
Matches files named: *.pwi


  • &CELL: {str: str}

    &CELL namelist controls how the cell will react to pressure. Only needed in variable-cell calculations.

  • &CONTROL: {str: str}

    &CONTROL namelist specifies the type of calculation and general runtime settings.

  • &ELECTRONS: {str: str}

    &ELECTRONS namelist controls how the SCF calculations are performed.

  • &IONS: {str: str}

    &IONS namelist controls how atoms are propagated. Only needed in relax and MD calculations.

  • &SYSTEM: {str: str}

    &SYSTEM namelist contains details about the unit-cell. Necessary details will be provided by Vipster (ibrav, nat, ntyp, celldm/A).

  • PPPrefix: str

    The default prefix for pseudo-potentials. Will be prepended to the type name if the periodic table entry for this type does not contain an explicit pseudo-potential name.

  • PPSuffix: str

    The default suffix for pseudo-potentials. Will be appended to the type name if the periodic table entry for this type does not contain an explicit pseudo-potential name.

Output preset

  • atoms: {'Crystal', 'Alat', 'Angstrom', 'Bohr', 'Active'}

    Active: Use the current Step's active atom format Else: Enforce the selected format

  • cell: {'Angstrom', 'Bohr', 'Active'}

    Active: Match current Step's active atom format (Å if Å, Bohr otherwise) Else: Enforce the selected format

PWScf Output File (read only)

Command line argument: --pwo
Matches files named: *.pwo

XCrysDen Structure File (read only)

Command line argument: --xsf
Matches files named: *.xsf

xyz (read/write)

Command line argument: --xyz
Matches files named: *.xyz

Output preset

  • atomdata: {'None', 'Charge', 'Forces'}

    None: Write only coordinates (standard xyz) Charge: Append a column containing the atomic charges Forces: Append three columns containing the atomic forces

  • filemode: {'Step', 'Trajec', 'Cell'}

    Step: Write currently active Step Trajec: Write complete trajectory of active Molecule Cell: Write currently active Step and append the unit cell